January 13, 2014
| Janelle Sands
| Featured, Hairstimony
Hairstimony by Casundra Johnson 1. Tell me about your natural journey. My natural hair journey begins in 1999 flipping through one of those black hair magazines, trying to figure out what my next hair style was going to be. I came across a picture that screamed do me, do me, do me. It was a
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September 21, 2013
| Janelle Sands
| Styles
How do I maintain my braids? You must tie your hair down every night with a silk scarf. This will protect you for additional friction while sleeping and will keep your hair laying down. You can cleanse your hair and scalp as needed. What is a retouch? halfway through your style you must take down
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September 21, 2013
| Janelle Sands
| Styles
All you need to know… If you have ever done this before you know that it is the best of two extremes. Very fulfilling and very annoying. In one regard you get the luxury of looooong silky hair that you don’t have to “comb” everyday! And on the other hand you
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