May 14, 2014
| Janelle Sands
| Featured
1. Have you always worn your hair natural? – No. All throughout elementary and middle school, I was natural and hated it! All of my friends got to wear their hair down and I was always stuck with pigtails. I convinced my mom to let me get a perm my 8th grade year. 2. Then,
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April 13, 2014
| Janelle Sands
| Featured
Anika, it is such a pleasure to have you as a guest on Secret Curl Society. Although we have known one another, we have been apart throughout your entire transition. I am happy to learn from you and to share you with Secret Curl Society. 1. Have you always worn your hair natural?
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January 13, 2014
| Janelle Sands
| Featured, Hairstimony
Hairstimony by Casundra Johnson 1. Tell me about your natural journey. My natural hair journey begins in 1999 flipping through one of those black hair magazines, trying to figure out what my next hair style was going to be. I came across a picture that screamed do me, do me, do me. It was a
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November 12, 2013
| Janelle Sands
| Styles
Have we not gone protective style crazy? I would say were all completely obsessed with haîr protection. This method of hair preservation is mostly utilized by kinky or tight curly textured women. Other curl types need to be sure to take on a protective mentality by protecting hair from heat styling and using protective sleep
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November 12, 2013
| Janelle Sands
| Styles
It doesn’t matter what new styles come to the forefront temporarily. The classics will always be our tried and true jewels. Take this cornrow style; It serves us throughout the summer heat, the winter air, wet and wild days and elegant escapades. Similar to the new box braid craze, I wish Solange Knowles will soon
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September 9, 2013
| Janelle Sands
| Products, Styles
The Rundown: 1. Shampoo with Keracare Hydrating Detangling Shampoo (great for Transitioner’s) 2. Condition and detangle with Keracare Humecto Conditioner (comb through and rinse) and scalp condition with Paul Mitchell Scalp treatment. 3. Moisturize with Keracare Leave-in conditioner cream, and Keracare Essential oil. 4. Style with Keracare Setting Lotion and proceed to roll the hair.
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